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German Academy of Sciences

Peter Hübner on YouTube
Peter Hübner on YouTube

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Peter Hübner - Medical Resonance Therapy Music<sup>®</sup> - RRR 102 Harmony No. 1
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Quality in Dynamic Space Stereophony® has its price, but . . .

the creator of Medical Resonance Therapy Music® has determined, that anyone who needs the help of the harmony laws of nature, or the Medical Resonance Therapy Music®, should get it:

  1. who has enough money, buys the corresponding music preparations,
  2. who has little money, gives as much as he/she can afford, and
  3. who has nothing can consequently give nothing and should be supported by special grants.

Dynamische Raumstereophonie

medical research

On request of Peter Hübner everything around his Music is organized in such a way that no one from the side of producing the music draws personal profit from it.

It is done via the INTERNATIONAL PHILHARMONY and applies just as much to the composer himself as to anyone else: all profits from the sales of his works are used for further research and development in the fields of music, medicine and education and in the materially not so wealthy countries also for providing patients, children, pupils and students with Medical Resonance Therapy Music® and if necessary also with audio equipment for listening to it.


RRR 102 Harmony No. 1

On the basis of objective scientific research and clinical observations, this program “Harmony” is designed for people who suffer from inner and outer disharmony due to STRESS.

A Digital Studio Recording Under the Artistic, Scientific and Technical Direction of the Composer and Musicologist Peter Hübner.

Total Playing Time: 58 min.

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Free shipping on all orders over 108 EUR!

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Download kaufen 1 Download in CD Quality

(16 Bit, 44.1 KHz, wav-format, filesize 619.0 MByte)

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19.90 € 14.33 €

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buy Download 1 Download in Studio Quality

(24 Bit, 44.1 KHz, aif-format, filesize 928.0 MByte)

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62.90 € 45.29 €

“Best Scientific Preparation Against STRESS

  • four times more effective than conventional drugs in the reduction of physiological manifestations of stress
  • eight times more effective than conventional drugs in the improvement of the psychological status
  • without any side effects”
World Health Organization WHO World Health Organization

as acknowledged on the conference of the World Health Organization “Society, Stress & Health” at the Academy of Sciences in Moscow

Directly from the producer: the only quality guarantee you can have
therefore: directly from the composer: no black market.




RRR 102 Harmony No. 1

On the basis of objective scientific research and clinical observations, this program “Harmony” is designed for people who suffer from inner and outer disharmony due to STRESS.


Peter Hübner - Medical Resonance Therapy Music<sup>®</sup> - RRR 102 Harmony No. 1 Compact Disc

21.46€ -%

29,80 € 21,46 €  

Free shipping on all orders over 108 €!

Peter Hübner - Medical Resonance Therapy Music<sup>®</sup> - RRR 102 Harmony No. 1 Download in CD Quality

(16 Bit, wav-format, filesize 619.0 MByte)

14.33€ -%

19,90 € 14,33 €  

Peter Hübner - Medical Resonance Therapy Music<sup>®</sup> - RRR 102 Harmony No. 1 Download Studio Quality

(24 Bit, aif-format, filesize 928.0 MByte)

45.29€ -%

62,90 € 45,29 €  

Medizinische Resonanz Therapie MusikMedizinische Resonanz Therapie MusikMedizinische Resonanz Therapie MusikMedizinische Resonanz Therapie MusikMedizinische Resonanz Therapie MusikMedizinische Resonanz Therapie MusikMedizinische Resonanz Therapie MusikMedizinische Resonanz Therapie MusikMedizinische Resonanz Therapie MusikMedizinische Resonanz Therapie MusikMedizinische Resonanz Therapie MusikMedizinische Resonanz Therapie MusikMedizinische Resonanz Therapie MusikMedizinische Resonanz Therapie Musik